June 30, 2004

Well, all exams are now in a state of finishment. Complete. Done. Over with. No more. Finito. Completely done and dusted. Fertig.

Those of you who converse with me on MSN on a regular basis may know (not may, almost certainly) will know that my name for over a month now has been very similar, following this format:

Exams : x/16 Next Up: y z (http://dickybod.blogspot.com)

Where: x = Number of completed exams
y = Name of next exam
z = Date of next exam

So, heres a brief rundown of those exams.


General Certificate of Secondary Education
Candidate Name: Richard Stewart
Candidate Number: 3071
Candidate Signature: Richard Stewart
Exam Boards: Assessments and Qualifications Alliance - AQA
Edexcel (who have changed their design, check the website)

Examinations: 16
Effort Put Into This Introduction: Far too much.
Number Of Teachers That Are Principal Examiners: 1

Exam 1 - Drama Performance - "Unfavourable Destiny" - Wednesday 12th May/Thursday 13th May - 7pm

Exam 2 - German Speaking - Tuesday 18th May - 10 minutes - 11:20am

Exam 3 - German Listening - Tuesday 25th May - 45 minutes - 1pm

Exam 4 - English Literature - Friday 28th May - 1 hour 45 minutes - 8:30am

Exam 5 - Biology - Monday 7th June - 1 hour 30 minutes - 1pm

Exam 6 - Maths Non-Calc - Tuesday 8th June - 2 hours - 1pm

Exam 7 - English Paper 1 - Thursday 10th June - 1 hour 45 minutes - 8:30am

Exam 8 - German Reading - Friday 11th June - 50 minutes - 8:30am

Exam 9 - Chemistry - Monday 14th June - 1 hour 30 minutes - 8:30am

Exam 10 - English Paper 2 - Monday 14th June - 1 hour 30 minutes - 1pm

Exam 11 - Math Calculator - Tuesday 15th June - 2 hours - 8:30am

Exam 12 - Drama Written Paper - Friday 18th June - 2 hours - 8:30am

Exam 13 - Physics - Friday 18th June - 1 hour 30 minutes - 8:30am

Exam 14 - Maths Statistics - Friday 25th June - 2 hours - 8:30am

Exam 15 - Media Studies Textual Analysis - Monday 28th June - 1 hour 30 minutes - 1pm

Exam 16 - Media Studies Cross Media Topics - Wednesday 30th June - 1 hour 45 minutes - 1pm


This post has taken nearly 2 hours. Appreciate it!!!


Sarah said...

2 hours? wow...

Day of the ball today! Cannot seem to concentrate on anything else - like the exam I have in three and a half hours and haven't started revising for yet.

Anyway, I am slightly put out because I have just discovered that the time my friends told me the limo was leaving is actually half an hour before the limo is due to arrive. I know I'm not that great at getting to things on time, but I was going to make sure I was on time for the ball!

How do you think I should get my hair done?
(and "I don't know/I don't notice these things/I'm a boy are not satisfactory answers to this question Richard! The only acceptable answers are those along the lines of suggested hair styles.)

Dauve said...

2 hours!? Wow. Shouldn't have bothered, I didn't even bother to read the list of exams, I knew roughly what you had anyway. :)

Sarah said...

It was a very interesting list of exams though...

Chard said...

Sarah - If at all possible go for the hairstyle you have in that picture (searches for the file name) makeover5.jpg. It looked nice there. (if you read this before you leave of course)

Stomppy - Ah, but Tubular Bells, while a classic, wasn't what was playing at the time. Silly boy.

Davester - Well bleurgh