June 02, 2004

Welcome true believers and newcomers alike!

I still think thats a snappy way to start anything, be it something as classy as Spiderman or something and inherently dull as my blog. One drawback, i may have just infringed Marvel comics' copyright.

Ooh, actually speaking of copyright infringement, we have a new link! If you haven't cast your eyes to the right yet, or can't be bothered, it's the one entitled "The Duckyblog". Humourous no? The lawyers are salivating in anticipation! Spitoons are in the corner guys...
Anyway, its a fairly good blog, more pictures than mine already, and more posts than Nonnesuch. All the best there.

Ok, having now spent 5 minutes attempting to get links up on the aforementioned, i think it's time i went off. I love introducing new blogs! Gives those bored to death of reading my drivel every so often something new and fresh to read. And waht could be more fresh than a pink blog?

The mind boggles.


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