Aaaaaaaaah 4 long months of blogging. And that isn't and expression, the past 4 months have made my life utter HELL!
And as such this will be a short post, simply to say (at my mother's behest)
HELLO TO JEAN AND ALL THE OTHER LOVELY LADIES IN THAT FINE DEPARTMENT at Jan and Harry's Forced Labour Camp (snigger). I thank you for giving into my mother's insistance that you look me up on Google, and I thank you from the bottom of whatever starts and ends my circulatory system. I say the bottom because it will be less obtrusive to the pulmonary artery.
Thank you
Auf Wiedersehen
Pip pip
DickyBod (son of spud)
Playing: Chrono Trigger
Reading: Jennifer Government
Listening to: Zilch. Hmm. I'll stick on No Doubt
Watching: "Casual+y saved my life"
Annoyed with: My ear STILL!!!
Confused about: Many things
Mood: happy happy fun fun fun!