October 03, 2004

"I started trying to track down the origins of this idea but then I realized
that my sweater was completely unraveled. Still, a bunch of bloggers with
cameras are having fun with it so here goes: Ask your readers to think of three
photos they'd like to see posted to your blog. (Things around your house or
whatever.) When you have enough requests, post them!"

What a neat idea! Ok, Im gonna do that! Send your requests on a postcard, with your name and address, (on your telephone number) to the comments section of this post. When i get enough and get the photos together I'll post them here! Bouncy no? This place could do with a gimmick


The last couple of days have been rather mad really. I'll go with the interesting bits about friday. As I have no lessons for the first 2 hours of school, I usually toodle off home for the morning.

Journey To And From School Count : 1

It was when i was at home I sat on this device of computer wisdomry and began tapping out my Textual Analysis essay on Gladiator (due in by the end of the day). I also did a bit of foruming, and would have blogged had I mustered the effort. Then I printed off the essay, rather later than i would have liked to, and walked to school for my two lessons of the day. First up, English Literature, a delightful romp through Act 1 Scene 2 of Shakespeare's King Henry V. (That's the number five, his name wasn't Henry Violetta or anything silly like that.) That was all well and good, until i got another essay set to do for next week, and has to be handwritten! Shock, horror!

Essays To Be Done For Next Week Count : 4

Then Drama, in which we studied Artaud, who is a nutter. The roles I played for the lessons exercises were :
  1. Half of a mug
  2. A quarter of a revolving door
  3. A fifth of a lift
  4. A watercooler
  5. A curtain rod (guest starring: my jacket as a curtain)

See? Total nutcase. We then had lunch and registration. Fairly easy to guage how boring they where. I then walked home.

Journey To And From School Count : 2

But wait! Here we encounter a twist in the tale! Look all of... oooh not very much up a bit. Remember that Gladiator Essay that had to be in for the end of the day? Guess what I'd forgotten to do? I practically ran back to school, getting into school only 3 minutes after the 3 o'clock bell, and handed in my essay. I then walked back out of school, where I had possibly the most interesting journey home from school I've had for a while.

First off, someone had crashed into the traffic islands at the end of the lane, causing one hefty traffic jam. As i was walking home, I passed my next door neighbour as he was walking home with his friends, so I clipped him round the ear. Seconds later, I went to cross the road to go to Wendy's house (who hasn't blogged in a while I see...), but as I stood waiting for a lull in the flow of traffic, I was jostled by a midgety Year 8 friend... acquaintance of mine. I crossed, went to Louis's, where I confirmed when my next essay was due for, and booked his little brother for high treason, slander against the school, and verbally abusing a Sixth Former. Ahh, good old power! Then, I went on my way, stopping at the newsagents opposite the swimming baths and purchasing some Fanta, where I bumped into Theo, a wierd little person who has attracted his own 6th Form fan club. a brief chat later, I went on my way, where I FINALLY got some credit on my phone, and home.

Journey To And From School Count : 3

I did some of my next essay, and went to Sarah's house, where i stayed until my mother came and picked my up at 10.30. So all was good for Friday.


On Saturday, I woke up, did some things, ate lunch, had bath, went to Sarah's. With the boring bit out of the way I can concentrate on the interesting portion.

I got to Sarah's believing I was 40 minutes late, only to find I was 20 minutes early. Not quite sure how I managed to do that, but at least it was better than my mother wanting to take me up there at 11, and me being 4 hours early. I got in, and went to find a sheep staring out at me from Sarah's bedroom door. I recognised the sheep instantly as the one Baz was giving to Sophie, and in the room, lo and behold, was Sophie herself. So we all sat chatting for a while, until Sarah decided it was about time she ate some food (to which I concured) and we went downstairs. We sat in the kitchen just vaguely basking in the conversation, until we were sent to buy some baguettes. At the end of the road, Sophie departed for the station, so there was the obligatory semi-tearful goodbye between them while I stood safely out of the way.

(By the way, she got the sheep Baz)

Me and Sarah then walked through Norwood highstreet in search for the much needed bread. Once purchased, we returned to her house, spent some time moving the furniture for the social event taking place later in the evening. We then sat in her room being normal, until about 8 when we were all downstairs watching some old home videos (which were a very amusing insight into the past of Sarah, somewhere I now have visual confirmation of). Then the first batch of visitors who I'd never met entered. I can't remember the parents names, but the daughters were Hannah and Sarah (I think...). Both very nice people, whom I had only previously seen:

  • In Sarah's photos of Spain
  • In one of the video's of a holiday when they were 3 years younger than they were now. Sarah's hair... scary...

Seeing embarrassing moments of these strangers' pasts was a good enough way to break the ice in my opinion, and the rest of the evening with them was slightly more relaxed than it normally would have been with me (What have you done to me?!). I was a little put out towards the end of the evening when Hannah's boyfriend (on the phone at the time) didn't remember me when i distinctly remembered him. Tch...

Anyhoo, they left, and i slept in Sarah's living room to be woken up :


At 8 o'clock by Sarah's visage 3 inches from my face. Not what I was expecting to be honest. Then we did the usual morning routine, went on a bus to Bromley, went to CCC, came home, went on internet, and wrote this blog! Now for those darned essays!


Playing: Burnout3: Takedown
Reading: Blogs
Listening to: ‘Nemo (apparantly)' - Nightwish (but i think they're lying)
Watching: Sarah acting to a very, VERY poor script of A Midsummer Night's Dream
Annoyed with: Hannah's boyfriend not remebering me...
Confused about: Nostalgia
Mood: Melancholy, but not moody. Time is dragging, i got home at 12... its only 4 now??!
Song currently stuck in head: 'Rise' - Gabrielle (yeh whatever...)
Favourite Song of the Minute: 'The Siren' - Nightwish


Jon said...

Good thing I don't have to write all these essays, eh?

Dauve said...

Hear, hear jon! Hehe, stewart still has to do shakespeare... Wow, I remember doing that, horrible bit o' work is that shakespeare :)

Anyway, seems you've had a much more interesting weekend than me. What did I do? Ah yes, I went out and bought a new tie. Stayed in yesterday :'(