June 04, 2005

Been a funny old week

And i mean funny. Funny as in "Whoa....duuuuuuuude" not funny as in "egg-swing Fighter".

First of all, quick rant:


Unlike Sarah. Thank you *takes a bow*

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Dawn there. I ended up being on MSN at some obscene hours last week thanks to some curséd females, sarah mainly ;) but at least dawn looks pretty

On the friday evenin' i departed on the Boulevard of Late Journey's towards the Staines Domain once more (though, since it was my fault we were late, I had to carry the alcohol. My arm was killing me). Almost immediatly the shenanigans began, with me succumbing to precious vanity and taking a rather dashing picture of me
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(NOTE: the rest of the pictures are in good old fashioned blurrovision)

The crew began their journey into Stupor Mode with the assisted musical ballads of System of a Down
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And while Chris, Dave and Nick relaxed comfortably
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Matt and Tom got a little further acquainted
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Though matt did not deny his roots
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Though, twas not just Matt and Tom who were getting a little close for comfort throughout the evening. The undisputed Champion of Chris's was also seen to get fraternising wth most of the company:
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Even the mild mannered me was not safe from his lusts
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However, all good orgies must come to an end, and I went home and curled up for sleep (anyone who 'awws' at this needs to get out more, that includes Sarah:P)
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After this heady unconscious fun, I awoke on the saturday. After a quick internets, where I bid farewell to the Rural-bound Helen, and I set off towards the Stompp's (with a quick detour back to the Staines Domain to borrow the SOAD album) where I was presented (pun intended) with Rez and a rather fetching WoW poster, so kudos to the Stomppmeister for that. I then managed to scare him completely by completed the Direct Assualt mode on my own (for the record Stompp, I did it again when i got home, and only got hit once. Completed it in Final Form, ooooh yeeeeh!) With a mulch of gaming fun with he, I once again set off home.

Then for the Bank Holiday Monday. A day I had already planned my activity for, and I realised it with 10 hours of solid Jigsaw Puzzlin'. A fiendish task, which probably wouldn't have taken so long had i been concentrating more. But sill, here be the completed Puzzle in all it's glory:

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Uber no?


And that was basically it. Not much else happened really, so i went on a quest to find all the syntax errors i could in Grandia. It started with not so much of a grammer problem, but something just as disturbing:
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Yes, that is a cow, kissing a human. Run.

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And, what syntax attack is complete without the classic:
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Some random pictures of the cats:
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And that is my week so far.

Welcome back to the Helen!

17 in 2 days.... madness



Dauve said...

What a busy week you've had. Might I inquire as to how many pieces that puzzle was? More than my 500 piece London one?

Chard said...

500 pieces.

I'm going to buy a 1000 piece at some point and do that :P

Ell said...

Heehee. How can you be bothered to upload all of those pictures?

Chard said...

Because sometimes it works :P

Anonymous said...

I'm slightly disturbed that I cannot actually remember that picture of me and chris fratermising. Intoxication don't yer just love it!

Jon said...

That photo of you asleep makes you look like Samwise Gamgee from LOTR :S