July 16, 2004

98th post. I've nearly made 100 posts... i have wasted so much time on this blog...
A new blogger joins us, Chris Longhurst.  Link to right as usual.


Sarah said...

Richard, I've been reloading this page for about 10 minutes trying to make the bloomin' counter flip from 2499 to 2500 and yet it still won't do it!!! Why?

Sarah said...

Grr, anyway, how do I get a counter?

Sarah said...

And who is this new Chris?

He can't be a school friend of yours because he doesn't have a silly name.

Jon said...

I believe its called a screen name :)

I assume the counter ticks over whenever it detects a "unique user", which it most likely defines as a user who hasnt been on in the last few hours.

You could just get a boring old counter, or alternatively you could get a tracker. It lets you see who is visiting your site, where they got to your site from, where they come from etc. Its free, get it here:


(ugh, I sound like a salesman)

Chard said...

Yes, but i find that one to be rather annoying.

I got mine frae www.123counters.com

Dauve said...

Why do I get the feeling you are now just posting short, irrelevant blogs just to get up to 100 posts? h wait, that would be because you are.

Chard said...

How on earth was it irrelevant? It's to do with this blog community I seem to be part of, I always make a short post regarding a new link or blog, and ealier that day I had written a longer post than most of yours are Dave.

How was it irrelevant? The fact it's my 100th post is rather irrelevant, I don't really care for the milestone. Refute my defence you...you...NON DUD!!!

Dauve said...

N-N..Non... dud? Of all the insults! I am shocked and appalled. Wait 'til Biggus Dickus hears of this...

Jon said...

watch out teradud, bad things happen when you type Biggus Dickus. Anywho, whats all this commenting on dickybod's blog?!? I need comments on mine! You could comment on my snazzy logo (second post from the top on my blog currently) and even download a megatrobe themed desktop background.