February 22, 2004

Ah, Blog number 2 for the day!

Let me rant now about that demon of social grace and ettiquette : ALCOHOL

Now, let me state this immediatly and clearly : I have never, and will never, be in a state that could be described as intoxicated/inebriated/drunk. I make this statement because i can see many benefical effects of a life of soberiety. For instance, when you hear on the news that last night a group of drunks beat up and severely injured a man, i can feel glad that im off the record! Another obvious benefit is never having to wake up in the morning and have this train of thought :

"Hm, where did this bruises come from...............a fight.........yes, i remember, there was a fight last night............Mavis and Pete..............they were arguing about something.................hmm, i wonder what that could have been......................oh, wait, i remember........................Mavis was upset because Pete was having an affair....................................I wonder how she found out............Pete only told me that he was and......................................oh crap...."

In the above example i draw from my imagination. I dont actually know anyone called Mavis or Pete, nor a couple of that name. Still, I have seen these effects clearly at social oppertunities. The one benefit i can see of drink i can see is that if it kills enough people off (directly or indirectly) the world will be full of sober intellectuals like I, whose idea of a good night outy is a trip to an art gallery thena rousing game of Backgammon in the evening. Again, this is fantasy. I don't know how to play backgammon.

Meh, draw conclusions of your own, but its my life and i'll end it how i like thank you very much...


Ps : If any beer companies are reading this, dont worry, you havent lost a customer. I never was one.

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