February 09, 2005

Questionnaireth the Second

1.What is your full name? Richard ('chard) Dickybod Matthew Stewart

2. What colour pants are you wearing? Seductive black. Sexy pink is SOOOO last post.

3.What are you listening to right now? Sonic Team - Doomsday Zone (S3&K)

4. What is the last thing you ate? One a htose mini minty Extra strip things

5. Do you wish on stars? I wish Orlando Bloom wasn't one, does that count?

6. How is the weather right now? Cold, but clear.

7. Last person you talked to on the phone? Sarah's answer machine

8. Do you like the person who sent you this? Stomppy-boy? He who created DESTRUCTOR FISH is held in the highest of regards around here.

9. How are you today? Minty fresh and sexy pink.

10. Favourite drink? Ribby-nah

11. Favourite alcoholic drink? Ah crap... erm, whatever I get

12. Favourite sport? n00b-flaming

13. Hair colour? Seductive blonde.

14. Eye colour? Seductive blue

15. Do you wear contacts or glasses? Must...resist...MSN...contact...pun... No, but I may do soon

16. number of siblings? Uno, Christy Baby himself

17. Favourite food? Jeez...Lasagne?

What the hell happened to number 18? Is this actually a question? If so someone must have deleted the 18. that preceded its phrasing, so in fact this question is moot, since what happened to 18 is nothing, since this is 18. I suspect Otis, and his Seductive blondes to be involved...

19. Last movie you watched? (seductive) Sideways

20. Favourite Day of the year? May 15th....obviously

21. What do you do to vent anger? Read, write, rant...all very seductively of course

22. What was your favourite toy as a child? ...my imagination?

23. Summer or winter? Autumn

24. Hugs or Kisses? T3h 53DUC71V3 Sm00C|-|0rz!

25. Chocolate or vanilla? Choccy. Unless the vanilla is truly top notch

26. Do you want your friends to email you back? Difficult on a blog...

27. Who is the most likely to respond? Anyone that comments.

28. Who is least likely to respond? Hitler

29. Living arrangements? In a house, with my cats....oh, and parents i guess

30. When was the last time you cried? I quote the Cure : "Boys Don't Cry". Though, as a man, i cry sometimes. THe last time was a while ago. You know whose fault it was!!!

31. What is under your bed? DESTRUCTOR FISH'S LAIR!!! Breakfast served 7-9. Not a second later, or you will be cast out!

32. Who is the friend you have had the longest? t3h Stomppish. Ah, how long ago Greenhayes was...

33. New Friend? What, d'you want a list? Erm, all the people on the blogosphere I guess, Sarah's friends (HALO, HB and Soph), mah drama groupies...

34. What did you do last night? Got to the end of disc 1 on FFVII, and made a bootleg video of Aeris's death, which i may upload...

35. Favourite smells? Petrol. And Sarah I guess :P

36. Who inspires you? Jesus Christ... That's not an answer, i mean...well, he does, in a way, but.. CRAP! Probably anyone who makes a good book, Megatrobe for his uber RP skills (yet to be repeated) t3h Stompp for the music and general rockiness, Ell and Sarah Davis for artwork purposes, anyone who can do decency to Flash, Sa for being herself, Nick for uberness in the dramasphere, Danielle for inspiration in the world of psychosis, my brain for being crazy, that plant for getting me high...wooo the pixies are massing

37. What are you afraid of? Audiences, heights and DESTRUCTOR FISH!

Hang on, 38 is gone as well... the author evidently had a broken 8 key...

39. Favourite car? A working one. Rules out dad's Skoda then :P

40. Favourite flower? Rose, purely for semiological purposes

41. Number of keys on your key ring? 3. 1 unused house key, one unused locker key, and my real house key, alongside my seductive NES keyring

42. Can you juggle? ...ish

43. Favourite day of the week? Friday

44. What did you do on your last birthday? Went to Bromley Town Church and ate pizza. Good day all round...

45. Do you have a donor card? No, my local doesnt do discounts

46. Single or Taken? Taken? That's a little possessive no? How about... 'not'?

47. Do you work? HAHAHAHAHAHA

48. How much do you get an hour? Depends if Sarah's here or not ;P

49. Do you have a crush? Duh...

50. If yes who? Sarah and Danielle and Jessie. Though Sarah mostest :P

51. If yes do they know? Yes no no. Nor will they. Jessie won't at least, Danielle might


Anonymous said...

Oooh, whatta ya gonna do Stomppy boy? "REASON" with me?


Pun Power!

Anonymous said...

Save you?

"Stop having such amazingly awesome ideas you sex god and general-" erm... line?

Stompp : "general all round super hero!"

Oh ok...
"Stop having such amazingly awesome ideas you sex god and general general all round super hero!"

DESTRUCTOR FISH! : "That's it, i can't work like this. Where's my trailer? I need water! Fill my trailer with water!"

Chard said...

Can i steal it then?

Chris said...

small thing mickey,
i'm quite surprized you didn't notice that 28 and 48 to which you answered hitler depends if sarahs here or not ;p both had 8's so the authors 8 key was obviously not broken
*christy baby*

Chard said...

ACtually I did notice that, but only afterwards.

Maybe he was selective?

Dauve said...

You.. *sob* left me out of your list of people you admire :'(

"11. Favourite alcoholic drink? Ah crap... erm, whatever I get"

tut tut tut...

Chard said...

6. Who inspires you? Dave, for his uber juggling skills

Dauve said...

Danke schone, much appreciated :P

Jon said...

My power is an inspiration to all!

Do not fear 'chard, I have a new RP cooking :D

Hele said...

1.What is your full name? Richard ('chard) Dickybod Matthew Stewart

Does it say Dickybod on your birth ceritficate? Really?