This post kinda has three themes, so bear with the crap and laugh at the good.
Episode III then. Uber is the only word that can describe. At some points worse than Episode I (shudder) and at others FAR greater than anything in the original trilogies (though not THAT moment Nonnesuch...). But I won't witter on, since everyone practically knows the story anyway. Just go and see it. With study leave ahead, I may wander into Bromley at random points and see it again. Anyone who wants to come it welcome, though I'm not taking the 'saber. No, don't even try and beg. No matter how deluded I may get, I'm sane enough to know that it won't be enough to cut down the droves of Chav Troopers. Nor deflect White Lightning bolts...
A good link for more embarrassing photos of me posing with the saber! Chris did a bit of coffufflement with the camera's settings, so the 'saber trails slightly better in dim light.
The Saga of Darth 'chard and the Invisible Foe
Darth 'chard sat bored at his computer. His lightsaber was polished, he'd destroyed all the insurrectionist worlds that one could possibly destroy for fun on a Tuesday, and night drew near.

"Ho hum..." he thought to himself. Suddenly, there was a large bang from outside. His innate Force/spidey sense abilities told him that something was going on outside.
"Something's going on outside", said Spiderman.
Quick as a flash, out ran Darth 'chard

And prepared himself for combat

He heard a rustle, and he struck!
Vwwwing!!! (x4)

With the evil now vanguished, he collected his report on what he'd attacked, and also what he'd accidentally swallowed during his feats of amazingly wicked cool Sith acrobatics:

"Ah heck..." he thought. Still, with no Form Tutor in the room, he was free to attack the Beast's lair, force pushing a window out of it's frame

Thus, with the day over, he left with his comrades Darth Dave and Sith Lord Matt. Along the way he found just how far the Force Push actually went:

But he did not trouble himself with this disturbance in the force, for he had unwittingly unearthed a rare Sith artifact:

And, on return to the Temple, he was given a plaque to honour his victorious campaign:

With this prestigious honour, he went on to become a very highly paid male model, beacuse of his uber sexilicious looks:

Well wasn't that fun?
Also, continiuing the trend of idiotic boromir:
Boromir's catapult at Rivendell
Boromir's catapult at Minas Tirith (crappy site, sorry)
Rise, Lord 'chard
W00t! My room was featured! That's my room! right there! in the photo! W00t!
Great cartoons there Darth 'Chard :D
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