May 27, 2005


You know its been a good exam when you manage to fit that phrase in there somewhere. Yup, that's all i knew of Chaucer; all the women are money grabbing sexual whores. English Lit went a lot better than I thought it might, despite being complacent. I, like the money grabbing sexual whore i am forgot to take the two books into the exam, after some twonk told me it was closed book. Yet, even without the respective book i managed to waffle on for 621 words about Tennessee Williams's psychological problems and for 402 about money grabbing sexual whores.

I like that phrase...

So, came home, came online and talked to only 1 money grabbing sexual whore until I started blogging. Though now Sarah is commiting an act of uber-pwnage, and Helen has gone onto a wet hair tangent.

So, I wondered today as I counted my words for this exam what ways people have for passing the time when they have the ten minutes or so left after they've finished the exam, but the exam isn't finished with the money grabbing sexual whores. I've developed a few ideas, use them and or ad to them. Any more can be commented, since i get bored easily:
  1. Counting words
  2. Drinking water
  3. Doodling on the little sheet that has your name/candidate number on
  4. Reading what others have scrawled on the desks
  5. (for the truly adventurous) Add to the scrawl
  6. Sing songs in your head (Ghost Love Score is a blessing. 10 minutes wasted!)
  7. Count bricks (i made the calculated estimate that without doors or heaters the sports hall wall has 5508 bricks.
  8. Make words with your name and canditate number. Unfortunately my candidate number is only a 5 away from being 'Free Otis'
  9. Look around at everyone else trying not to fall asleep
  10. Watch people fall asleep (I saw that, Messenger! Stay away from MY ink erasers...)
  11. Look around for someone you don't know and learn their names
  12. Read what questions others did
  13. Look for the foolish people still working
  14. Have a staring contest with one of the invigilators




Dauve said...

Memorise the square root of 2 from the calculator

Discover new modes on your calculator. Who would have thought it could differentiate and integrate?

Read the instructions on the front of the paper (come to think of it, should have done that first)

See how long you can hold your breath

Immagine yourself with a lightsaber fending off battle droids who have stormed the hall.

Recite The Matrix key speeches to yourself

All good fun to do :D

Dan said...

Count desks, count the number of volleyballs stuck in the ceiling. General counting things really.

Jon said...

I spent some time reading the plaques to the left of the stage in the general studies exam.

I also spend my time frantically counting how many marks I think I'll get in the test.

Ell said...

Yay, I'm adventurous! I always knew it! My suggestions:

Stare at the back of the person sitting in front of you's head, willing them with your mind to turn around or scratch their head.


Pretend to sneeze and cough irritatingly often, and see how many people you can get to look at you - invigilators are worth extra points.

Lewis said...

Correct the grammar and spelling on the desk.
I liked the person who was practicing theirs:


David Jani said...


sophie said...

In my listening exams last year I played spider solitaire on the computer. That was fun :-) Apart from that I was pretty unoriginal and counted bricks.

Anonymous said...

I just sit back and think bloody hell I've actually got time left over.

CJM said...

You didn't need to write sexual, it was totally gratuitous.
My suggestion:
type 1 onto your calculator and press =
press ans+1 and =
So this until the exam ends, or unil you get bored.
Play the piano/guitar by tapping your fingers on the desk.

Jon said...

I know 2 people who've done that up to 1,000,000.

Chard said...

The use of teh word whore added to my word count.