April 13, 2005

Blogs and Dragons


Male Dark Elf Fighter LVL18
Lawful Evil
Representing 'chard

Strength 15 (+2)
Dexterity 19 (+4)
Constitution 15 (+2)
Intelligence 14 (+2)
Wisdom 13 (+1)
Charisma 16 (+3)

Size: Medium
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 135 lb
Skin: Black
Eyes: Red
Hair: White; Straight; Beardless

Total Hit Points: 124

Speed: 30 feet

Armor Class: 19 = 10 +7 [half-plate] +2 [heavy wooden]

Touch AC: 10
Flat-footed: 19

Initiative modifier: +8 = +4 [dexterity] +4 [improved initiative]
Fortitude save: +13 = 11 [base] +2 [constitution]
Reflex save: +10 = 6 [base] +4 [dexterity]
Will save: +7 = 6 [base] +1 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld): +20/+15/+10/+5 = 18 [base] +2 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +20/+15/+10/+5 = 18 [base] +2 [strength]
Attack (missile): +22/+17/+12/+7 = 18 [base] +4 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +20/+15/+10/+5 = 18 [base] +2 [strength]

Light load: 66 lb. or less
Medium load:67-133 lb.
Heavy load: 134-200 lb.
Lift over head: 200 lb.
Lift off ground: 400 lb.
Push or drag: 1000 lb.

Languages: Abyssal Common Draconic Elven Dark_Elf_Silent Undercommon

Short Sword [1d6, crit 1-20/x2, 1 lb, light, piercing]

Longsword [1d8, crit 19-20/x2l 4 lb, one-handed, slashing]

Scimitar [1d6, crit 18-20/x2, 4 lb, one-handed, slashing]

Longbow [1d8, crit x3, range inc. 100 ft, 3 lb, piercing]

Bastard Sword [1d10, crit 19-20/x2, 6 lb., one-handed, slashing]

Two-bladed Sword [1d8/1d8, crit 19-20/x2, 10 lb., two-handed, slashing]

Shuriken [1d2, crit x2, range incr 10 ft, 1/2 lb, piercing]

Half-plate armor [heavy; +7 AC; max dex +0; check penalty -7; 50 lb.]

Heavy Wooden Shield [+2 AC; check penalty -1; hardness 5; hp 15; 10 lb.]


Combat Reflexes
Exotic Weapon Proficiency Weapon:
Improved Critical x6 Weapon(s):
Improved Initiative
Power Attack
Quick Draw
Weapon Finesse x6 Weapon(s):

Dark Elf:

* +2 dexterity / +2 intelligence / +2 charisma / -2 constitution (already included)

* Immune to magical sleep

* +2 racial bonus to saves vs. enchantments

* Darkvision to 120 ft.

* Spell resistance 11 + class level

* Dancing lights, darkness, faerie fire once/day each

* Light blindness

* In some campaigns, male drow get -2 charisma instead.

* Character level +2

* Proficient with longsword, rapier, longbow & shortbow

* +2 racial bonus on listen, search, and spot checks

* Notice secret doors


* Bonus Feats (already included)

Class HP rolled
Level 1: Fighter 10
Level 2: Fighter 3
Level 3: Fighter 2
Level 4: Fighter 3 +1 to strength
Level 5: Fighter 7
Level 6: Fighter 8
Level 7: Fighter 2
Level 8: Fighter 1 +1 to constitution
Level 9: Fighter 8
Level 10: Fighter 2
Level 11: Fighter 1
Level 12: Fighter 4 +1 to dexterity
Level 13: Fighter 6
Level 14: Fighter 8
Level 15: Fighter 8
Level 16: Fighter 7 +1 to strength
Level 17: Fighter 3
Level 18: Fighter 5

Valmar's Equipment:

Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above) 89 lb
Arrows (quiver of 20) x10 - 30 lb
Backpack - 2 lb
Bedroll - 5 lb
Caltrops - 2 lb
Rations (1 day) x4 - 4 lb
Rope (50', silk) x4 - 20 lb
Spyglass - 1 lb
Waterskins x5 - 20 lb
Whetstone - 1 lb

Total - 174 lb


No, I have no idea what any of it means either.


Dauve said...

I think he already has.

Not that that's a bad thing of course.

Chard said...


My armour gives an Immunity to overlarge headedness

Jon said...

Since when did you have red eyes?

Chard said...

Or black skin... or white hair... or long sword proficiency...

In fact, when was i ever an elf?

Jon said...

Oh you've always been an elf.

Anonymous said...
