January 27, 2005

A Few Good Days

I apologise for not posting since Friday, and I shall now attempt to rectify that.

Friday finished in a spectacularly surreal manner, in the company of most of the lovely people that frequent Baz's Saturday morning hangover posts. I didn't drink that much to be totally fair. At leat not enough to forget how much I actually had had, which was, in vague chronological order:
  1. 3 Cans of Stella Artois (500ml i think)
  2. 1 Smirnoff Ice (1.5 units (UK))
  3. 3 gulps of Red Square (Vodka. I think I'd lost my rationality at this point...)
  4. 2 gulps of loganberry Red Square, kindly stolen
  5. 1 can of Strongbow
So yes alcohol, bad, nasty alkane containing a C-C single bond with that -OH functional group on the end. Don't do drugs kiddies!


Wednesday was a rather interesting day, at least as far as that curricular establishment of education was concerned. In need of photos for my media (meeja) coursework, and the need to have them in a school environment, i took my camera into school! A serious breach of security that those dastardly militants may take advantage of, but at least it meant I got some nice (if exceedingly blurry) pictures of my day.

Period 1 I met Lewis, who informed me for the first time that he had a free period then. So much for the last term of me skulking off to the library, the dastards. I went with them into the Hall, were some geography sprogs were being registered before going off on some 'educational trip'. If it was anything like the ones we used to have, i laugh at them heartily. Like this in fact : Hahaha!

Up onstage (though I don't have Drama on a wednesday, we just 'hang out' and 'chill' there) I sat and watched them work for a while, happily munching on some Altoids and sharing them around. See, I'm a kind, generous sort me! A little bored, despite the scintillating chat regarding chemistry or whatever it was they were talking about, I decided to take the joke of the small, round pill-like Altoids looking like hard drugs that stage further, employing Nonnesuch's compass for the task. The result was a new brand of peppermint ectasy tablet.

We then started to play a nice friendly game of 'hin und zuruck der fluss', or as it is more commonly known 'up and down the river'. I dealt the first hand, and then spectacularly managed to get only 3 points. Chiz. The second hand was dealt, and I had a terrible hand, with no trumps and seriously low cards. Pessimistically, i voted for 0 tricks, and actually managed to adhere to that, scoring 10 lovely points. Still lagging behind though, Dan dealt the third hand, and this one was no better, but at least i got 10 points from my negativity.

Then came the all important 1 card round. I apologise for the severity of the next few pictures' blurriness, Stompp -_-.

Lewis was ready with his 8 of clubs...
Dan seemed confident with his 7 of hearts...
Picard- erm, Dave seemed a little worried, despite having the King of Spades...
The 5 of hearts seemed adequate for Sanjay...
Oliver hid timidly behind his Jack of Clubs...
But what did i have?

Dan won, but had bet he'd lose. Dave was the opposite, so neither got points! Haha!

After 4 more hands, the final score sheet, which also is the least blurred photo I've taken for yonks.

Me an Lewis then played Spit, a great game which was tense throughout, until the lesson ended and we had to go to 2nd. I managed to kick his posterior rather liberally though! Look how big his pile was!

The rest of the day wasn't as fun after that, except for an hour of Billy Elliot in Film.


Today was GREAT!!!! And no hyperbole there at all, it was GREAT!!! I went into drama, as is usual of a Thursday morning, and sat with the rest of our group, chatting on such lovely topics as the Meeja coursework and Human Anatomy For Beginners.

STOP PRESS : I just ate the last Altoid, the one with the E.

Then, Miss Rampton came in and said that, since today was the 60th anniversary of the Auschwitz liberation, that there was an assembly for year 9 during period 3, and that the planned dramatic piece from year 10 was not a possibility, due to 2 of their number being convieniently ill. And, our drama group was roped in to make a piece on the Holocaust in little over 2 hours, which meant i missed both Eng Lit and meeja! Huzzah!!!

And the performance itself was good! I don't know why, but i found it less nervewracking to perform to half a year group than 30 adults. Maybe because none of my family were there. Or maybe its that confidence thing I've heard so much about... pfft, whatever.

And in Film, we got to see those irritating f*ckwitted sprogs again!

Boy: (In the most irritating Queen's English you've ever heard, and in one heck of a bratty tone) "Well, tomorrow's MY birthday, and I want to go to the Circus, and tomorrow is NOT Margaret's birthday, but she wants to go to the pantomime"

Margaret: (Dull, monotonous, dont-give-a-shit voice, still in Queen's english. The sort of voice that could easily trigger mass genocide) "My birthday's in June, and there aren't any pantomimes in June"

Someone PLEASE find me a wav. of those lines! It's from the David Lean film 'Brief Encounter'

Well that is all. Enjoy yourselves! I won't, i have 2 hours of Bugsy Malone rehearsals in an hour, and some lovely rain to walk through. Hopefully it'll drive off the chavs...


Dan said...

Damn You Stewart. A 15 point lead by the end of the game. Oh well, the mints made up for the upset in losing.

Dauve said...

Alcohol, drugs... what have you become? You used to be such a good child :D

Chard said...

Blame it on that with 2 X chromosomes!

Jon said...

Drugs!?! You said they were mints!!! *Falls on floor with frothing mouth*

Lewis said...

Damnit! Two non-German-studying people have used the Dative correctly today, depriving me of the satisfaction of pointing this out. :(
Congratulations, I suppose.