September 05, 2004

Quarter to That's VERY tired... so...bloody.....tired..... you know, the whole 'lack of sleep' thing... tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired....


So, anyway. What have i been doing? Yesterday I was woken up (eventually) by my mother, who took me to buy shoes for next year. And they're rather nice. Black, laces, everything a shoe needs I feel. We then came home, and I sat rather halfheartedly tidying my room, until my bro left at 4 ish, whereupon I seized my moment to grab the PC and do some things. At about 7, I set up a video to record Measure for Measure, which was being performed live on BBC4. I had originally hoped (because there were cameras around when we where there) that I could spend half the time listening to the dialogue, and the other half looking for the hoodie-clad me. However, it turned out to be a really LIVE live performance, and not one that had gone through the butchering of the editing studio.

So, no long high angle shot of the me and Sarah and co., but since it was a good show anyway, I recorded it anyway. I was only overwriting Dr. Who and a half completed Star Wars. So I now have that to watch at my leisure.

Then I had a brief chat with some people on MSN, before signing off and phoning Sarah. Hence....the....tirednes....s....


And that was my Saturday. My Sunday has consisted of a phone call, some sleep, and lunch. Now I am blogging! Sorry, short post I know, but I'll leave you with this thought :

How did you know this was here?

Yes, I know you can't read it, that's because it's a thought. Silly people.

G'rest of the afternoon

Playing: Worms 2
Reading: Calvin and Hobbes
Listening to: ‘Deep Silent Complete' - Nightwish
Watching: Measure for Measure
Annoyed with: My LUNGS!!!
Confused about: Shoes
Mood: Tired...or did i say that?
Song currently stuck in head: Babycakes...AGAIN!!!

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