September 07, 2004

"A friend in need's a friend indeed
A friend with weed is better
A friend with breasts and all the rest
A friend who's dressed in leather"

~Placebo, 'Pure Morning'

What were those guys smoking?


Had a fun day today. I woke up at 9.30, after both my alarms failed to go off at 9. I then had a shower, punctuated every five seconds by my mother phoning every single phone in the house trying to wake me up.I then picked up and said "I'm having a shower...". She stopped after that. I then went onto MSN for about 15 minutes, before leaving to go to that hallowed hall of education within which i shall be spending a lot of time in the coming weeks. I then bought lunch, and consumed it over a viewing of that wholly excellent flash animation at (Parental Advisory warning due to foul language, violence, n00bishness and CS related humour.)

Oops, I've just realised i've spent 2 hours looking at swords on the internet... but, they are rather swish...

So, anyway, I then went back on MSN and began this blog. I talked to some people, and listened to LOADS of music, including a song that says it's Nemo by Nightwish, but is in fact, NOT Nemo by Nightwish. Still, it is better than Nemo by Nightwish, so I shall listen to it again.

Other than that, i have done nothing. Enjoy! :D



Jon said...

The prospect of people buying swords off the internet is disturbing. :S

Chard said...

But Anduril Jon! Narsil! Hadhafang! Legolas's knives!


Chris said...

Yeah Placebo rock
Love to all
('chard's imagenary brother)

Chard said...

Now there's a user I've never seen on this blog. Hello m'dear :D