August 29, 2004

Whoa, been a while since I've been here! I apologise to all those who have come to this blog expecting to see a new witty post, full of scathing remarks and my usual brand of quick witted comments, only to find that once again I have neglected to post. I think the two weeks away from this world has forced me out of the habit! Egads, what is this world coming to? I apologise profusely. Stompp, Teradud, here's your post! I'll try and make it interesting and rather long this time eh?

At this juncture I think I'll change the music I'm listening to. OneHundredHours are good and all, but it ain't my blogging atmosphere. Unless I play track 7 of Cardiphonia...

Richard plays : "At The Foot Of The Cross" by OneHundredHours

Ah yes, that's what I need. Sentimental music, with a hint of melancholy depression to it. Yup, there go Sarah's knees... crack.

Dang, and the song finishes. NEED MUSIC!!! Hmm, something on my own playlist perhaps...

Richard rummages around in his playlist

Ooh UNKLE, haven't heard that one in a while...

Richard presses play

Richard stops with the bold text, because it will be rather cluttering

Ok, now I suppose I should get to the post.


As seems to be the trend in the blogs of late, I shall be like a sheep and post my GCSE results (that's General Certificate of Secondary Education to you, you plebian). I shall consult my Candidate Statement of Provisional Results (how smart do I sound?) and tell you.

So, in no particular order :

AQA (Assessment and Qualifications Alliance *smug*)

Drama - B
English - A*
English Literature - A*

(Oh yes, bow down ye mighty and despair!)

German - B
Maths Statistics (Foundation) - D

I think AQA are used to catering for imbeciles by what they put at the bottom of the page :

Number of Results 5 (Five)

Like we don't know what the number five looks like...

"What? How many is that? 5? How many is that"
"Oh, I'm sorry dear, I should have made it more clear, they mean V"
"You mean they don't use Roman Numerals? What incompetent cretins!"


OCR (Oracles Can't Read)

Media Studies - A
Science: Double Award - CC

I fail to recognise Cubic Centimetres as my grade...

Edexcel (Birthplace of the band Edex : Extra Dull Electronic Xylophone Creation Emulation Laptop)

GNVQ ICT - Pass (So 4 C's)
Maths - U

Yes, you read that right. I got myself a U in Maths. I am rather narked off about it though, for one reason :


Wait, I can prove it! :

JUN 2004 5525 MATHS 05/06 305/480

And what does it say on the markscheme on the back? I need 288 to get a C, 336 to get a B. I got a bloomin' C on that paper! DAMN YOU COURSEWORK!! RARG!!


Ok, rant over. So, what has happened to me of late? I think I mentioned that I bought my suit for the Sixth Form (expect photos), but I recently bought a tie!!! Which I believe I HAVE mentioned... oh swud.

Erm... what could I talk about? I need a muse... which is ironic now they've just started playing on my playlist....

For the last week my evenings between around 8 to some obscene hour in the evening/morning have been spent talking to Sarah (who is in Wales, hence the lack of blogs. Actually, she was about to blog on Monday, but I unintentionally prevented her from doing so...) on the telephone device. Had some very interesting/informative/scary conversations. There was probably a point to that, but I can't think of what it was... Well, she gets back tomorrow, then there's only 35 days until she goes to Oxford, and my life comes to an end.

Oh, remember the photos in the last few posts? I saw li'l Zoe again! Woo!

Nice little aside there. Ooh, looks like it might rain! Wait.. IT IS RAINING!!! 1 moment, I feel the need to go and run around in it...

Ok, that was fun. Yesterday, i went ot my friend Claire's 17th, where I was appalled to find I was the only one drinking the Lipton's Ice Tea!! Peach flavour as well!!! No, they were all on the alcohol of course. Tsk tsk tsk.

Of late, I've had some fun playing Megatrobe and Teradud at Worms 2 online, where I believe I am steadily getting better. It's been a while since I played it so much. Ok, I think I should stop here, I'm beginning to ramble. I think I need to recharge my humour battery. Ok, goodbye dear peoples!

Spellcheck in progress...

Spellcheck done.


Playing: Soul Calibur II
Reading: My Calvin and Hobbes collection
Listening to: "Whole World In His Hands" - Tim Hughes
Watching: The Matrix Reloaded : Burly Brawl scene
Annoyed with: How little rain we just had...
Confused about: Why I havent done this signoff for so long
Mood: All good! Greater than Great!!
Song currently stuck in head: "Babycakes" - Three of a Kind

Dave's Done!


Dauve said...

What a coincidence, I was listening to Navras just now. Excellent music.

Chard said...

My Juno Reactor experiences really only lie in the music from the Matrices and dubious Final Fantasy OST remixes. Navras i may have overlooked. Illegal download here i come!

And Iced Tea is FANTASTIC stuff!