Why are men afraid to say the word love?
Easy - because it's soppy. Sounds stupid doesn't it? If you really, really need to hear it, ask. Wait for a private, intimate moment, then ask him to say that he loves you. And when he does, tell him you love him too - but don't expect to hear it every time you see him
Love. See? No problem.
While it is very fun looking at these articles, there are a few I am avoiding. "Good Vibrations" was a heading I was staying well away from.
Well, as the previous post mentioned, social occassions loomed large over the last two days. And how many did I go to? Neither. The social 'do' I cancelled due to a rather large distraction that needed some priority, and London would have occured if I had managed to stay awake after my alarm went off (which was no fault of mine I hasten to add. Late nights do equal tiredness.) So, it seems that the only major social occassion that will be occuring this week will be Thursday and the publication of the GCSE results. Oh joy...
Still, today has not been totally wasted I am happy to say. I at least managed to catch up on some sleep that I had been due for 2 weeks, and I managed to buy a tie at Oxfam for 6th form. T'was £1.99, which was rather expensive for a charity shop in my eyes, but since I don't shop at them on a regular basis I can't really comment. I then got home, and almost fell asleep (having eaten my lunch) in front of Reservoir Dogs.
Hey! I was tired, alright!
Still, Reservoir Dogs. Good film, though very different to what I was expecting. Much more enjoyable than the mindless bloodletting of Kill Bill (which is still enjoyable, but in a different way. Heck, I'm male! Speaking of mindless gore, Passion of the Christ is out soon...). So, all in all, good film. I then decided I was rather bored and would check out relationship articles on the internet.
Flirts are touchy feely people, although oddly enough only with men. They touch the man they're talking to in innocuous enough places - little patson the arm for example; there's not a law against that. And they invariably talk about things that they have in common with the man: mutual friends, work experiences etc., things that exclude you from the conversation.
Ouch, thats a little close to home...
Well anyway, im rambling now. This post could very easily turn into another simple copy and paste of the internet telling women what men do to show they like them (sigh so I shall stop now and check for spelling errors (I do do it sometimes you know).
G'12 hours after got to sleep this morning
Dave's Done
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