July 16, 2005

Harry Potter and the Hormonal Imbalance

Just an alternate title.

This is going to be a difficult one. How to say how good the book was without giving away anything major...

Hows about this?

Order of l337ness of HP books (according to the Book of 'chard, Chapter 5 V.2):
  1. OotP
  2. HBP
  3. GoF
  4. PoA
  5. PS
  6. CoS
I still detest CoS with a passion in comparison to the rest. It may as well have been a film version before the book.
So, yes. Not as kicking ass as OotP, simply because one of my predictions was proved right. You dont have to read it if you want to not be spoiled, so fairly warned ye be fan boys.:

Harry won't fight Voldemort, nor will Voldemort be directly involved. The main focal point for us as the nemesis will be a character with ambiguous loyalties. Happened in 3, happened in 6

With that in mind, it makes 6 a llttle less ass kicking as the MoM fight in OotP, though there are some cool moments. The girls will love it...



Jon said...

I'm not going to read it for another week or so.

Chard said...

Steve is cool!

David Jani said...

Ive had enough of pottermania
The books arnt really really well written to be honest and Harry is a wet twat. Plus they are far too long now. Ill wait for the film

Anonymous said...

I can't remember any of the names except HBP and Philosopher's Stone. The books in the middle have just merged into a glutinous mess. o_o

Dan said...

I happily finished the book in two days, which i'm pretty proud of. I thought it was quite good!