July 10, 2005


My god... I'm dead!!!

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Punching block off of eBay. The reason my right hand is now in quite a bit of pain. Missed once, and clipped the corner with my little finger. Hurts.
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My elf fetish comes forth once again... go Stompp :P

And now, the many sides of me (i realised half way that my right side is my best side. Hence the direction change)

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Casual chard
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Slightly visually impaired chard
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Slightly freaked chard
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Perplexed chard
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'guh?' chard
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"Ah, I see" 'chard
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Scary giggling chard
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Morosely ponderous chard
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Mysterious assassin chard
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Surprised in shadow chard
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Whats life without some randomness aye? Just ask Fan. Random is his name, kickass anime appreciation is his game. Should really watch that at some point

On a slightly more serious note, I'm thinking of starting another blog. For why? Everyone reads this one, so I can't really be myself. I cant say stuff that i'd like to say without offending someone. I have to be chirpy happy funny chard, occasionally dipping into a rant or two.

I'd keep this one of course, because I woulndt deprive so much of you of reading material then. I'd probably opnly tell the other ones address to a select few, though you haxx0rz may find it somehow. Still, it would be nice.

Chin chin, and a rinkety tink.

Playing: ICO
Reading: Harry Potter and the HBP soon.
Listening to: 'Radiation Burns' - Brainfreeze
Watching: Some random film
Annoyed with: My hand
Confused about: blogging
Mood: rawr ^_^
Song currently stuck in head: 'Beauty of the Beast' - Nightwish
Favourite Song of the Minute: 'My Friend (So Long)' - dcTalk


Anonymous said...

You have a BEST side??

Anonymous said...

You narcissic...lemon.

Chard said...

Thank you muchly :D

Jon said...

What happened to the colour? Did Otis steal it in one of his dastardly plots?

You could go old skool and keep a written journal instead of a second blog.

Dauve said...

Or you could just write everything on this blog. You can't have that much to hide. Can you...?

Chard said...

Yes :P