March 31, 2004

OK, as you can see on the right, another blogger has joined the ranks of being one of my links lol.

Its bare, but like a plant it will grow with sentiment and feeling.

March 30, 2004

128171. Horatio Davidson Horatio Davidson would love to see TSWK follow the dark side.

128170. Teradud After everything he's been through, he really deserves to be in the film. He obviosuly wants to be in it loads too.

128169. Richard Stewart This would be great for Ghyslain to accept his status!

Three signatures. Three Bloggers!

Teradud's blog is to the right, and sporadic, but a chilling read (if you're easily scared...)
Horatio Davidson is a pseudonym of the author of Stompp's blog.
If you don't know who Richard Stewart is, you're a fool, since he be me!

Sign the petition!

Oh, and it's in aid of a worthy cause. It's to persuade Mr Lucas to give the Star Wars Kid aka Ghyslain a cameo role in Episode III. Surely 2 minutes of your time is well worth that!


Other than that, today I've been wrestling with Media Studies Coursework, drooling over .hack//Infection and trying to get that Seedy Sanchez Pot Noodle song out of my head!

A better post will come next

PS: As you have noticed I no longer measure on the Richter Scale, due to the fact even I was getting irritated by it, so I gave the cursor a tail. Enjoy!

March 29, 2004

Ok, i've taken out the music, it was to much of a hassle for me, because it lagged up my loading times, and i didnt need that when i was seeing if the HTML jiggles were working, so its gone. I may put it back if i get enough complaints. If you want another song up there suggest it by contacting me and i'll consider it.

As you will have noticed when you entered this site, my Blog now registers on the Richter Scale. More HTML fun to come!

I have read my first review of my blog! Admittedly it’s more of a recommendation than a true review and it’s only a sentence long, but I feel proud to be the DickyBod! Here is the offending...praising sentence in all its unabridged form. You might want to have a fan ready to cool you down and/or a qualified team of medically trained persons on hand in case of overexcitement on your part.

Here we go:

I spent the evening chatting to some great friends online, (for example Dicky Bod, who's blog is a must for anyone looking for surrealism in hilarious literature)

WOO! Share in my reflected glory!

A hat off to Stompp for a superbly worded review, and the praise is welcome! Belated, but welcome nonetheless. One minor quibble; DickyBod, not Dicky Bod. No space, I have none to spare.

Now, in response to the list you made in your blog, I will post my thoughts on here, though I'll be exceptionally vague in order to generate interest in the original article (click the link to Stompp's Blog to read it! I get a royalty every time he gets a hit! *Hint*Hint*).

1) - Agreeing, though mine never makes my sandwiches anymore.

2) - Coffee kicks arse boy! Though this is the one who makes my tea and toast in the morning!

3) - If your own music is considered off the mainstream, then I love it! (PS, submit those weird tracks you were talking about!) Game and Film OST's are increasingly becoming my needs. (The Black Mages filling the void nicely...)

4) - I never see mine anyway, but I like him. Thank god he never reads this!

5) - Depends really. The Matrices were great, and TLOTR was the only trilogy I know where the quality ascended from film to film!

6) - PS2/PSP all the way! Though I'm rather weak in the area of Phasers. Especially if they work. Hee...Hee...Hee... >:D

7) - Evidently you've never met mine. You excluded of course, and 14+ are a right "hench" group of "doods", whom I would ultimately consider my "poss-ay"

8) - The five minutes you let me use it were five minutes of my life when I truly had no grip on reality; or your keyboard...

9) - How do you sleep wrong in the afternoon? I never get that problem. I usually wake up in the afternoons on weekdays anyway, so I'm not tired enough to sleep again until dusk!

10) - I've rediscovered the joy of FFX-2, and it really does kick arse if you put the effort in. I've just made sure the Ronso make a statue of Yuna in my honour in Chapter 5. Huzzah for me!

Right, now down to the rant:


My mum has a work colleague, by name of Trevilla. I have reason to believe she is stalking me. Here is a transcript of a phone conversation we had a while back, to the best of my memory:

Me : "Hello"

Trevilla : "Hello Richard, It's Trevilla"

Me : "Oh, hello..."

Trevilla : "Your mum..." (for all you roodbois: OOOOH YOUR MUM!!!) "...has been showing me photos of you, when you was younger"

Me : "Oh...really?..." *scared by this point*

Trevilla : "Yeh, you look really cute"

Me : "Oh, thanks... I think..."

Trevilla : "Do you think you're cute Richard?"

And so on and so forth. This woman is either blind or out of her mind (since my mum will possibly show this to her tomorrow I add: HI!! Um...well..ah.. eh heh, hi Twevilla, no harm meant, just a little jape hehee...scared........scared.....I see dead people....) and must be shown the error of her ways. However, I can’t think of a good way right now, but Childline might wish to know I'll be phoning them soon.

PS : The above was sarcasm and cynism all the way... apologies for any offence.

Finally for this post I would like to recommend these two Matrix spoofs:

A Flash of the fight scene between Neo and Smith(s) starring Mario and Luigi


Another Parody, from the gloriously talented Rob DenBleyker of Stick Suicide. HILARIOUS!

Both are rather big file sizes, so give them a chance to load. The Mario is 4MB, so it will take a while.

Well, a long post, but I hope you enjoyed. Took me 45 minutes. Now to edit it, and iron out the niggles!

Thank you again Stompp

March 28, 2004

OK, a short post now. GUYS BLOG!! The best maintained blog i have seen is Stompp's, who has posted every day of his blog! Come on guys, he already overtaken Nonnesuch!!

These people MUST post in the next 48 hours, or they shall be brutally bished:

Teradud (who must also shut that bloodt cantina up, before i send ETA there)

I was astonished this morning to see that I had passed the 100 hits mark. whether that’s shameless advertising in my sig or just a genuine interest from my peers, its very gratifying that the mere minutes I invest in making this what it is are appreciated! thank you one and all, and now I like you, you can all toddle off and pledge your allegiance to someone else’s blog, in the realization that I am a sad 15 year old loner with nothing better to do than post my thoughts on an equally sad website that no one goes on.

Anyway, that said, interesting things happened today! If you cast your eye down this list of posts to February 20th, you will see, or if you haven’t/didn't/couldn't be mortared to, you may recollect that the Glades shopping centre was besieged by armed militant. In true Hollywood style, I, a hopeless unknown, unappreciated in life, became mankind’s only hope in destroying these armed assailants. Well, after having defeated them, I had strolled of home, little aware of the plans this group had for me.

So, to today. The copy of FFX-2 that I had wrenched from the grasp of the innocent shopper in Game churning away nicely in my PS2 (32% complete, Chapter 2/5) I stood up, the adrenaline rising as a Queen Coeurl finished my White Mage off in one hit, (FOR THE FIFTH BLODDY TIME RARRRG!!!) to see an unmarked van outside the house opposite. I found this extremely unusual, until a man got in it and drove away. Thinking nothing more of it, I glanced casually back out the window 5 minutes later… TO SEE A DIFFERENT VAN THERE!!! Naturally my mind was on red alert by this time. I ran out into the street, where I wrenched open the back doors of the van. To my absolute disgust I was greeted by the foul stench of rotting carcasses, the putrid smell of death invading my nostrils. A deep mans voice told me to get away, but I was transfixed with horror, too petrified to move. Fish. Boxes of fish, ready to be shipped to those who bought them. What a fool I felt. I let the van go on its way, waving it off. Suddenly it burst into flames, the fuel from the motor spilling out into the road in a fiery torrent, the rather nice smell of barbecued fish in the air. I turned to see a group of militants standing around nonchalantly. I ran into the house and finished the battle (with excellent use of Full Throttle I must say) before grabbing my discarded weapons from nearly 2 months previously, I loaded them and set forth. From behind my mothers car I waited for my moment. Suddenly, I sprang out sideways, laughing maniacally as I sprayed metal death in front of me. I landed in a sea of bullet casings. I reloaded, and ran back behind the car. I thought desperately to myself the same words: “Wrong way klutz, they’re to the left, to…the…LEFT!” Shaking off the embarrassment I lunged again, spraying bullets as I had done before. They fell to the floor grasping wounds. I sauntered back to the house, knowing my work was done.

Well, that was terrible, I know, but I laughed.

I bid you adieu and a Christian

PS Nope, by reading that you have made me safe from any legal action you might have wanted to take against me for such an appalling piece of prose. Why not buy an authentic DickyBod T-shirt?

March 24, 2004

Ok, latest news in the DickyBod's head? Well, yes,so...thats why i'm posting... um... well, don't let the appaling intro put you off the rest of this post.

In regards to Rudeboys:

I would like to take up unessacary space with my pseudonyms for this scourge (thats one of them)

Violent Scum

Look at Deutsches Blog for details of the "fair" beating two of my friends got at the hands of these people.

March 20, 2004

Ok, me and my fellow deity (by name of Ellen Walker aka electricity) have compiled a short list of out evils of society. Enjoy.

All those people who can be so ignorant that they can be racist without knowing it
Forum Spammers
Chain letter starters
Whoever invented wires to tangle when left alone for 3 minutes
Those truckers who get tattoos all over their bodies and have beards
McDonalds and coca-cola
Terrible NationStates players
Telephone companies/corporations that phone u up 4 double-glazing
Britney spears and busted
Jamie Oliver
And the people who make big brother and such reality TV programs
And the fools who enter them
Pedophiles and sick people like that
ALL German teachers
George bush and Margaret Thatcher
People who rip down the rainforest and poachers
people who hit their kids, smoke, and shout in public
peopel who have that irritiating nokia ringtone
anyone who is suffering from supreme vanity
or anorexia (however you spell it)but not severe just who says - im so fat all the time when theyre blatently not
o o o those people you get (usually girls) who all try to be the same as each other and who end up copying each other until theyre al complete bitches
housing estates
Spam emaoils that say "Enlarge you sexual organs in just 2 weeks"
People who Use Emo ticons excessively
the way all my femalecontacts have exactly the same font and font colour
ooooh the way the interior of an ikea store is like a maze... i can never get out....never get out...
txt spk
bad American dubbing of good japanese Anime
churned out disney sequels
um yeah loud kissing noises on dramas and soaps
little girls who have toothless grins and who on their own "pony" and speak with a lisp
8 year old who think there 15

WEll, there may be more, but hell.

Oh, btw, yes nonnesuch i did nick your shampoo one but it is true


March 17, 2004

ok, in addition to the post below, i got this response:

*whistles* thats one big paragraph

i read it all and i have to say i totally agree with what you say about not conforming. although by not conforming are we conforming to a non conforming form (is that a paradox??/)
and also with the 9 year olds with thongs. wtf are the parents up to with that one??? yeas darling if you want to be a **** you can be...

thongs are great on girls our age but 9??? 9???

also dude get a girlfriend its more fun than any ps2 game if you like each other enough.

Loving that last sentence!!!
Ok, this is a response i made on a forum about the Adult at 14 season that was on channel4 a while back. I just re-read it, and though i'd put it here. Its not edited, so certain deatails may be incorrect./misspelalaed.

God how i hate these people
Personally (im 15 before we start) i believe that people have the coice to do want they wish. In one of the adverts I saw the theme seemed to be that the girl felt that she HAD to have sex, otherwise she wouldnt be in some way "cool." I find the concewpt of "cool" very vague. What is cool? Nike shoes? Knives? Or the 100 Decimal Places of Pi and the Theorems of Newton. I reside firmly in the 3rd catedgory, and i pride myself on not being cool, as i do not need to conform with a ceratin image. i do not feel it neccesary to go out every night and get drunk, i do not (and never have) had a girlfriend, and the idea of being out at night with my friends frankly scares me. Give me my PS2. If the sex is consensual FROM BOTH PARTIES and they are both aware of the consequences of thier actions and they are in a healthy frame of mind ie. not drunk and whatever ever the new word for being on drugs is, then their is no reason to persecute. If, as the previously mentioned advert shows, one of the parties is in someway doubtful of their actions, nothing should happen. Far too much pressure is being place on people (especially girls) to be skinny sexy and appealing. Much of the blame goes to the media. Who was the last old TV presenter you remember? I believe it was Valerie Singleton, and how old was she? The idea of young girl to be youthful and at the same time adult is really depressing to see, and i know people like it. AS for the nine year old wit the thongs, who was going to tell them why they are designed? Who would sit down with there 9 year old daughter and say "Thongs are designed to make you much more accesible to the male sex. it shows that you have a carefree attitude to sex and wil be the target of a drunken male." Most of them would not have a single clue what you were talking about. I for one will be watchig this season of programs, and hoping with all of my heart they illustrate the evil, and not the positive (if any) aspects of underage sex.
If the world is'nt sorted out soon, the doll market will have been destroyed, with the replcement of your average doll with the offspring of a misguided and foolinsh 13 year old mother. THe above statement is a metaphor.

posted 13/11/03 21:22

wow, not so long ago. Hope you enjoy.
Confessions of an Ex-FF Fan

The last FF I truly played to completion without stopping was IX, but i forced myself to do that, because i wanted to complete it, having already got to Memoria months earlier. The last FF I played and enjoyed to completion voluntarily was X. I started playing IV aroung October, and i've got to Zeromus, but i can't muster the energy to get my posterier in gear and kill him (well, that might have something to do with the fact he kills me in about 2 rounds ). i've become a casual gamer! wow, thats a system shock. I remember when i got FFVII (19/6/99, 12:31pm, two hours before a dentist appointment) and i couldn't put it down. Now im playing my FF's out of a sense of obligation, just because its become habitual that i like FF's and i will play them. God, thats a truly depressing thought.

I think it has something to do with my growing social life. I had 5 CLOSE friends on the aforementioned date, now i have 30. DAMN YOU SOCIAL LIFE!!

Don't get me wrong, i love FF to bits, i was distraught when my memory card wiped my VII VIII and IX saves for no apparant reason, i am jealous of the fact my friend has a non platinum ver. of VII IN MINT CONDITION, heck, i cramped my finger doing Renzokuken and Lionheart 15 times against Ultima Weapon.

I dont know why i;ve lost my relationship with Final Fantasy. Hell, i dont know why im writing this post. All i know is i needed to be honest with myself and all those people in here who might know (or concieve) my pain.

Well, confessions over. Enjoy my sadness. By the way, if you can pick up a copy of Grandia II, i highly recommend it. Combat very similar to X-2's in fluidity. Ah well.

Adapted from my post on forum

March 11, 2004

Ok, thanks to some ingenious HTML fiddling by me, the music on the right is now an optional thing. It irritated a few people who were using their own music at the time. So, if you wish to hear a beautiful peice of FFX music, press play. (hint, it sounds much better as an Mp3)
Hi all, im in IT at the mo. How bored am i? Meh, im ok, jst reading my mates screen. Cautiously avoided staff attention./..

March 10, 2004

Ok, guys, new links, as can be seen. An email me, if you have any questions or suggestions (even though noone i dont already know reads this. I can live in hope...) and a link to a band called Tourniquet. Who are very good. I think... I dunno. Just look ok?
Ok, I havent posted for a while because i've had a bit of fun mucking about with the HTML on this page, the results of which can be seen on your right. A counter, and some light music. If you hate the music, do the Contact Me link and tell me, and ill get rid of it....

March 07, 2004

OK, as you can see its 0031 in the morning, and i should like to take this oppertunity for anyone who was there last night to read my reasons as to why i was how i was. I address these points :

1) Lack of Alcohol Consumption
2) Lack of rythmic movement aka "Dancing"

1) As many of you noticed, I drank no liquid containing alcohol. There are many reasons for this. Possibly the most obvious to me is that alcohol is 1 thing and 1 thing only: A POISON. Damaging to the body in excess (no names here), though seemingly beneficial in moderation, i would rather not take the risk of digging myself an early grave just for the sake of enjoyment. The arguments that the short term effects are worth it, in comparison to the long run are exactly the same reason people do drugs, whatever class they may be in. I know the damage alcohol can do to a person, so, no thanks, give me some water instead. There is also a further danger to alcohol, one which is truly dangerous, one that is unforgivable : It makes people want to dance with me. Which leads on very nicely to point 2)

2) Dancing, i admit is something that is enjoyable, beneficially invigorating, full of movement, exercising, sociable and fun. All of the reasons above i have no problem with. However, i just cant do it. Not in sense of ability, but in sense of psychologically, i just won't. Its not helped when the people who asked me too were under the banner of point 1), and even less brilliant when its asked for during these songs:

"Cotton Eye Joe"

Both songs are the most purile pieces of wierdness i have ever come across. I suppose i cant really make a justification, so, sorry Charlotte and Sarah, but hell thats just me.

I will however make the compromise : Next time, i shall dance, but i remain true to point 1).

DickyBod, tired, with a headache, lungs like a washboard
Kudos to Lou and family!


March 04, 2004

OK, this morning i discovered in my Hotmail inbox an Email Reply from Scott Adams (creator of Dilbert) and i have replicated it here, for anyone whos interested.

Hi Richard,

Everything I know about affirmations is in The Dilbert Future, Appendix A. Anything else I told you would be a wild guess. That said, here are my wild guesses to the most frequently asked questions:

I don't think it matters what you do with the pieces of paper you write your affirmations on. You can throw them away.

I don't know if having more than one affirmation at a time is a problem. I don't see why it would be.

I don't know if typing affirmations works as well as writing them by hand.

I'm not aware of any 'monkey paw' situation where you get what you wish for but in the process there is a hideous unintended consequence.

I don't know the amount of time you should try affirmations before giving up. I hear reports of people seeing results in days, but other reports of no results for a year.

It doesn't always work. I have no information about how often it works or if it is more than chance.

I don't believe that Satan is involved in granting affirmations.

Researchers such as Dean Radin claim that random number generators can be influenced by human thought from a distance. These studies are considered bunk by skeptics. Both the researchers and the skeptics have too much ego at stake to be credible to me.

The events I describe in The Dilbert Future are accurate, but I don't conclude that affirmations work. All I can know for sure is that I used the process and I got the results I wanted. The reason for affirmations' apparent success is probably a combination of normal human and statistical reality, not a type of magic. For example, the apparent success might be accounted for by a combination of false memory, selective memory, greater focus on a goal, or something equally normal. I do believe that affirmations are useful in achieving your goals but I don't think anything supernatural is happening. See my non-Dilbert book, God's Debris, for more thoughts on why affirmations appear to work.

Affirmations Readings

My new non-Dilbert book has some thoughts about affirmations that you won't find elsewhere. And here are some other sources contributed by readers. I can't vouch for any of them.

Here's a web site with lots of links regarding Affirmations. I am not affiliated with any of them:

I think -- but I'm not certain -- that the book on affirmations that I said I couldn't remember the name of in "The Dilbert Future," was "I Deserve Love," by Sondra Ray. Subtitle: "How Affirmations Can Guide You to Personal Fulfillment."

The two "classics" on the subject are "Creative Visualization," by Shakti Gawain, and "Think and Grow Rich," by Napoleon Hill.

Julia Cameron's books, "The Artist's Way" (with Mark Bryan) and "The Vein of Gold," have sections on the affirmations process.

Larry Block (the well known mystery writer) has a long section on affirmations in his "Write for Your Life."

LOUISE L. HAY, who is the author of many books from the late 1970's on, dealing specifically with affirmations. Her most famous book (I think) is

You Can Heal Your Life. Her website is

PROSPERING POWER OF LOVE (l966) by Catherine Ponder has a section on Affirmations I'm told.

The Magic of Believing" by Claude M. Bristol" Prentice Hall, 1947.

Scott Adams