August 29, 2007

Lap dance, chard style ;)

Ah my darlings, my dears, my sirs my madams, my mademoiselles my lovelies, my homies and my crew, my divine and my dreary, my folks and my me.

Consider these the first words submitted to blog form from the brand-spankingly new laptop de la Chardz. For the buffs amongst you, it's one of these.

As always, I have my certain own unique opinion on such an aqcuisition as this (along with my own unique way of phrasing, and indeed spelling most of that last sentence) and such observations are as follows:
  1. My dad rocks immensely
  2. Vista is wierd and deeply confusing
  3. Mostly because it's basically Mac OS X...
  4. Mouse touchpads are absolute wank in both function design and use
  5. Mmm shiny blue lights everywhere!
In other Chard related news, I decided to fill the journey to work with the new DS stylings of both Elite Beat Agents and Contact. EBA is possibly the most addictive game ever made, the most mad, the funkiest, the maddest and most likely the toughest game ever to grce the duel screens of my DS (which I just had to check my brother wasn't sitting on). Have yet to try Contact, that may be my going to work game tomorrow.

Love and giggles
chard and the laptop

Playing: Elite Beat Agents/Guitar Hero II
Listening to: 'Nothing'
Annoyed with: The bastards attached to my teeth
Mood: Wooful!
Song currently stuck in head: 'No One Knows' - Queens of the Stone Age
Favourite Song of the Minute: 'Freak on a Leash' - KoRn


Anonymous said...

Touch pads on laptops are indeed useless. Very annoying when trying to type and the cursor keeps jumping everywhere each time you nudge the pad with your wrist. Best keep it turned off.

Chris said...

wrong again, it's my lovely cup of tea!