Hello hello once again, i must say it has been a while hasn't it? What has kept me from updating these hallowed pages, these tomes of intellect, these archives of wit? No good reason. It's kinda paradoxical actually; I'm bored, but I don't blog to releive it, thus getting more bored, thus losing the bovveredness to actually do it. But, here I am once again, hoping to jump start the creative juices with an infusion of guarana and teak.
So, things and things, what have I done? Well there was obviously New Wine in which:
- I awoke at 6 everymorning, by design or otherwise
- I worked with 2 year olds for aweek
- I got abused by a 9 year old 14 year old
- I got a 2 year old a boyfriend, only for him to dump her cos she was playing with me
- A 7 (?) and a 4 year used me as a chair and spent a lot of time poking my teeth
- I spent a lot of time sitting around taking the scores for Gazeball
- I ate in the pub in Hot Fuzz, walked through the square in the shootout in Hot Fuzz, AND found the Church in Hot Fuzz, which believe it or not is the Parish Church of St. Cuthbert!
Music! Ah yes, Chard has been expanding his music collection by way of Amazon and Dauve.coms. New revelations have been found (Tristania and After Forever), old alliances made stronger (Paramore, Sonarctica and Sirenia) and even as of yesterday, owning the new Nightwish single! Not that I hadn't heard it anyway, but still, pride of ownership and all that. And FIlms! Odeon proudly boast that 2007 is the 'Summer of Cinema' and they have been right! IN the last few months I have seen Harry Potter (utter fucktripe), Die Hard (*ecstatic shudder*) Transformers (Ok, but obviously filmed by someone very nervous) The Simpsons (like a long episode, but with Bart's penis). Films films films!
Hm, is that all... have I caught up enough... *czechs calender* ooh, Steve B's party, which between discussion with Owen about the Ubermensch Charles Lamb and fierce debate on religious beliefs with wierd people made for the funniest alcohol fueled night of some time.
Aaaand that's it. All I leave you with new is the question "what is with the recreational eating of peanuts" and this little flash animation which has helped me through some pretty tough times.
Ah crap, sorry I forgot, I have a place to live in Kent now. If you want me I am at:
144 Becket Court
University of Kent
Email: rms9@kent.ac.uk
Make me feel loved loves!
Playing: Guitar Hero II/ Pokémon
Reading: Nowt
Listening to: 'La historia del mamut'
Annoyed with: my braces, change the record
Mood: Full
Song currently stuck in head: 'Meridian' - Sirenia
Favourite Song of the Minute: 'The Shining Path'/'Fences'/'Sister Nightfall'/'Sahara' - Tristania, Paramore, Sirenia, Nightwish
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