January 29, 2007

Aren't you tired of being weak?

Such rage that you could scream all the stars right out of the sky

So what has the Chard done with himself in his limited capacity as one who is mean to do things with himself in his limited capacity as one who is mean to do things with himself? Flashback sequence!!

Last Friday I trudged wearily into the hallowed halls of Theatre 62 again (it's very quickly becoming my home away from home) for the New Member's Evening. As a new member I felt it was kinda my duty to attend, even if just to get back into my old routine of annoying the Cinderella crowd. And they were almost all there, Caroline (Cinderella), James (Press Stud), Ian-Paul (Pirate Captain), Amy (Isabella), Sharon (Margherita), Gordon (Pedro), Sandy (French Tart), Bernard (Earl), Dennis (Baron), Nikki (Fairy Godmother), Muriel (Stepmother), Lyn (Florentine), Pieter (1st Mate) and Myself (Pwinthy). Indeed only Steve and Ellyroo were missing, Steve due to laziness (even the promise of free alcohol didn't sway him, for shame) and Ellyroo cos of Karate. Still, it was a fair assembly, and we drank, nibbled, chatted, screamed at Sandy for letting Holly cut her hair (Holly's hair was GORGEOUS), screamed at Amy for cutting hers (DITTO), paid James money for tickets for his thing in March, got told various things by the head honchos (such as the Theatre was founded in 1962, see what they did there?) and met some of the people who are gonna be in 84 Charring (by now it would be past tense, so Chard?) Cross Road. Was kinda a way of bidding a final farewell to Cinders and a hey how ya doin' to 84. Still fun.

A couple of days before that I decided to go on a li'l ramble around West Wickham, to prove to myself and others (Helen) that living in the middle of nowhere is no reason for a place not to rock immensely more than Brixton, and that my home is not a disgusting pile of waste (Sarah). So, off I went, and I een took photos along the way. I proved that West Wickham is in fact part of Canada:


Lotsa fallen trees. Darn wind. Also, WW has a lot of WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDe open spaces with lotsa grass. So PRETTY OK?


Various views of Sparrows Den, Spring Park and the mad mile there. Loverly place. And WW is full of great places of historical and religious importance!


St John's, the church on the hill. Rarther small, but we love it's endlessly graffitied exterior so. And that was my ramble, may do it again tomorrow, twas rather fun to do.

And that was my last week. In the next happy happy installment of my life, we should have:
  • Set building for Woman in White
  • SassyG's 18th and my revisitation into the world of Charm
  • Many visit's to the place of drunkeness
  • Piano skillz
So be there or be a squashed circle. And I'm giving in and putting these on Facebook, mostly cos noone seems to notice when they go on here, so hopefully Facebook's feature of telling people when ANYTHING happens in your life should be useful at directing peoples attention to my sorry existence. Love you all...

People used to say I was an idiot, but I proved them!

Playing: Fainaru Fantajī Ten
Reading: Calvin and Hobbes
Listening to: 'Ghost Love Score' - Nightwish
Annoyed with: My stomach
Song currently stuck in head: 'Lip Gloss and Black' - Atreyu
Favourite Song of the Minute: 'Dancing Mad' - Black Mages


Anonymous said...

I ought to go on a ramble round bristol at some point. They sure look lie fun

Anonymous said...

Mmm prettiful

Sarah said...

I found my message again! You'll have to try harder than that!