I havent blogged. Shoot me in the head.
In other news, with the 100mph hurricane force winds striking all of the UK (or at least the bits we lot care about) it is disheartening to know that even we humble residents of Links Road were affected by the ensuing maelstrom. Indeed, observe what was once our greenhouse, garden fence and a tree:

I think you'll agree, it puts the deaths into perspective. (no offense, I'm in an odd mood. Must be the marmite)
Tuesdays are somewhat traditional in our house. By which I mean after dinner me and mum sit and waste our time in some stupid way (usually Monopoly). However, we decided the air was right for something a little more challenging, and what could be more challenging than a jigsaw puzzle? (yes,
this post has been done before). And so we started off, spreading the pieces out and finding the edges (mostly)

15 minutes in, and we're well on our way. The signs for the pun and Blackwell's bookshop are almost done (enough to get a start on things) and work has started on the two easiest edges, the front of the pub and the pavement

30 minutes in, and we're really in biz now. The sign of the bookshop is complete all the way along and we've even attached a few pieces that lead off from it. Most of the bottom right corner is complete, as well as some of the right edge. The left edge is mostly complete, and we have all of the bottom edge there, if not nessacarily in the places they should be.

Look on our creation ye mighty and despair! 45 minutes of solid puzzlin' and we've almost got the edge we need to complete the border. Geddit. The signs are attached to the right side edge, the bottom is almost complete (it's actually wrong at the moment) and the top left corner is in place! We've also attached some of the roof, to help us with the sky later

And after an hour, that roof is now completing some more of that hard as nails top edge. All that sky is the same colour by the way, so that edge is a beast. The shopfront is starting to be filled out and the building above the pub is getting slightly more built. It even has an alarm now. The whole of the right side edge and the building is complete and some more of the roof is built. Still missing 1 peice from the left edge though.

Nothing noticable after another 15 minutes, except the other edge of the pub is making its way up to the sky, which will help to build off of later. Also, the signs are connected all the way across. In fact, it was so unremarkable I even thought I was going mad with boredom and
seeing things that couldnt exist. But all was sorted and we persevered.

The Hand is part of the picture, honest! It's now an hour and a half in, and check out that shopfront, lovingly arranged by my good self. I was a good son and left mum to make the sky (it's under the hand, you'll see it next photo). Also some building off of the shaded edge of the pub has occured, and it almost has a roof! And, even more exciting, the edge is almost finally complete! Except that one damn peice on the left we can't find...

Ah, fear not, there it is! And after an hour and 45, the sky is blue, the bookshop has a roof and some windows! And so does the pub! Still wouldn't shop there... needs a few more...windows.

Well the pub is now complete ish! And there are even some windows appearing above number 48! Oh it so exciting! It's only been 2 hours!

Onto the home straight at 2.15! Shutters, a complete but for one peice pub and only the windows holding us back!

And so, finally:

We're done! And how long did that take us?

Certainly an evening's entertainment. Couldn't have even watched LOTR in that time. Problem is, we now need a new one to do...
Some links, sponsored by Paws Inc (I've sold out to the cartoonist man!)
Want to make Garfield funnier?! Of course you do, lord knows Jim Davis can't. So, take random panels from all 7billion strips, put them in a random order and BOOM! instant surrealist humour, with the
Eagle_Fire Garfield randomiser!.
Have you been reading your daily Garfield when you were struck with a disturbing thought? I'll elaborate with this information from the Arbuckle project:
In 1978, Jim Davis began a newspaper comic strip called "Garfield". For almost thirty years, this strip has endured, primarily because its inoffensive, storyless humour is immediately accessible. It is, if not quite the Lowest Common Denominator of the comic world, at least as close to it as one can get without being obviously mediocre.
The comic changes dramatically when one removes the thought bubbles.
"Garfield" changes from being a comic about a sassy, corpulent feline, and becomes a compelling picture of a lonely, pathetic, delusional man who talks to his pets. Consider that Jon, according to Garfield canon, cannot hear his cat's thoughts. This is the world as he sees it. This is his story.
So, Garfield. Wonderfully funny cat related humour? Or disturbing look into the life of a delusionally lonely man?
You decide.--------------------------------------------------
So, a quick list of what else I've been up to:
- Completed a CRB form, making sure to check the box 'No' under 'Are you a paedophile, you rapist?'
- Given an application form for crappy work at WHSmith which knowing my luck will tumble and fall like a Feeder song.
- Leeched massive amounts of music from the internet, doing my bit to point out to Squaresoft's music department that they should release their soundtracks over here, cos they would make a fucking mint.
- Ate toast.
- Watched lots of Qi and Never Mind The Buzzcocks. I now prefer Simon Amstell to Mark Lamarr for hosting duties
- Started living in Chris's room. Or did you know that?
- Started learning 2 new piano peices (i'm determined to be able to play something), Path of Repentance and Ahead on our Way
- Got bored of clicking on people's blog to see a most recent post date that still says 2006 in. Post people, I'm fecking bored here!
And now, to finish. On Sunday, Rob Guest, Chris Champion, Gary Stewart, Matt Sharp and I were in a conundrum. We were in the Railway as usual, Chris having eaten his 8oz sirloin like the big man he really is; but we needed a change. So, we hopped into Sharp's car and drove out to the Chequers (it's in Bickley. I unno). It was rather nice, flat screen TV's, a old cottagey feel (white walls with black planks for some reason) and a man doing the quiz who sounded like an airline pilot. It was just that sort of voice you know. So, we sat around in our new surroundings, wreaking our usual havok, as Sharp's camera recorded:

Chris and I. I was seeing if I could burn out the lens with my retina. I couldnt.

Give Chris a minute...

Guest. Because he's worth it.

Gary, and my hands about to take him out.

The Great White Sharp himself. Well, the back of him.
Anyway, after such fun was had, we all trooped back to Sharp's house for the fun that could only be had with Pizza, tea, biscuits and Match of the Day 2. Even Rocky was there...
But my own little peice of fun came from playing around with Sharp's one of these:

Oh but can you hear me purr I want one!!!
And so that was it. I will blog more often, I promise. I just need things to happen!
Penis's are about THIS big. Can we please, as a culture, just move on?
Playing: Fainaru Fantajī Eito
Reading: Fainaru Fantajī Eito. Strategy guide :-p
Listening to: 'Kiss me Good-Bye' - Angela Aki
Annoyed with: My right side
Mood: Mmmmmmmmmm
Song currently stuck in head: 'Lock and Load' - Masami Ueda
Favourite Song of the Minute: 'Path of Repentance' - Nobuo Uematsu